By now, Malaysian must have learned the lesson the hard way of what is the real cost of voting for a wrong leader. The problem with our political leaders now is that they are no longer a God fearing person.
When someone have no fear of God, they can and will do whatever their sicken heart desire. They dares to go against God's Order by harming the innocent, stealing from the poor or discriminating the weak. The Quran says:
"And whoever avenges himself after having been wronged - those have notupon them any cause (for blame). The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful punishment. But whoever is patient and forgives - indeed, these are surely actions of courage." (Surah ash-Shuraa: QS 42:41-43)
And worst of all, these tyrannic leaders would employ religious scholars to become their lap dogs. These corrupted scholars would fabricate religious decree to allows the leader tyrannic actions. By doing so, the good name of Islam would be tarnished till it creates islamophobia among the non believers. The Quran says:
"And recite to them, the news of him to whom We gave knowledge of Our signs (religious scholars), but he detached himself from them; so Satan pursued him, and he became of the deviators."
"And if We had willed, we could have elevated him thereby, but he adhered instead to the earth and followed his own desire. So his example is like that of the dog: if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he still pants. That is the example of the people who denied Our signs. So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought."
"Dan bacakanlah kepada mereka, khabar berita seorang yang kami beri kepadanya pengetahuan mengenai ayat-ayat (Kitab) Kami (ulama). Kemudian ia menjadikan dirinya terkeluar dari mematuhinya, lalu ia diikuti oleh Syaitan (dengan godaannya), maka menjadilah dari orang-orang yang sesat."
"Dan kalau Kami kehendaki nescaya Kami tinggikan pangkatnya dengan (sebab mengamalkan) ayat-ayat itu. Tetapi ia bermati-mati cenderung kepada dunia dan menurut hawa nafsunya; maka bandingannya adalah seperti anjing, jika engkau menghalaunya: ia menghulurkan lidahnya termengah-mengah, dan jika engkau membiarkannya: ia juga menghulurkan lidahnya termengah-mengah. Demikianlah bandingan orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami. Maka ceritakanlah kisah-kisah itu supaya mereka berfikir."
(Surah al-Araf: QS 7:175-176)
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